In case you are wondering, what fake saffron is, it could be anything that looks similar to a saffron thread and colored and flavored to replicate the real stuff. Fake saffron can be entirely fake or may have a few threads of pure saffron cunningly added to mislead you.
There are several methods that you can use to determine if saffron is fake or real. Start off by examining the its physical characteristics. Real saffron are delicate strings that often resemble small trumpets. Fake saffron is usually straighter than real saffron and does not have the same trumpet-like shape. It also feels more coarse than real saffron, and is usually darker red, depending on the type of dye used.
Real saffron has a distinctive scent that some people describe as “sweet” and “woody”, or similar to honey. Fake saffron is usually bland and will sometimes not provide any sort of aroma.

Saffron stigma threads have a trumpet shape and no matter how it has been harvested the size of saffron stigmas still should hold their trumpet shape.